I'm Andrea Bernscherer, graphics designer, founder and owner of Kivibag. I graduated from the Arts University of Leipzig / Germany
(Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst) and during my studies I was working with one of the greatest creative agencies called KOCMOC.NET. Design and usability of products was always super important to me and I'm convinced that surrounding ourselves with beautiful objects positively affects our lives.

When I design products the influence often comes from my environment and my everyday life. I use motifs of our flora and fauna along with geometrical elements when I come up with new colorful patterns. The fabrics are being printed and produced in small domestic workshops.
The most important goal is that our reusable products are as durable as possible, as practical as possible and everyone enjoys using them.
To find balance between my business and private life I try to be with my family as much as I can, I regularly do yoga and go for a walk. Also, I'm a foodie and love cooking which is great when it comes to product and brand shootings.
I hope that my patterns and designs can bring joy into people's lives, so in your's 😊 So happy you're here! ❤️